2nd hand gear welcomed

Photographic equipment is always expensive, and if you want some good stuff at a great 2nd hand price, then you have hit the right key! Besides, if you have got something you want to sell, please contact me in person or send me a comment, and I will put your equipment here on this page.

Please include the following information if you wish to sell your equipment:
-Contact person's name
-Product name
-Date bought
-Warranty information
-Anything that comes with the lens, e.g filters, lens caps, lens pouch
-Lens current condition (including a photo of your lens)
-Lens current location (city)
-Price you want for it

The 2nd hand price given is only for reference. Bargain of prices are welcomed!

As of now, only the following brands are available:
Nikon 2nd hand
Sigma 2nd hand

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